You are currently viewing J20 Our next BYOC Lan Party in Surrey, UK
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LANRaiders are proud to announce J20, our 10-year-anniversary BYOC LAN party, to be held 30th June – 2nd July 2017!

J20 will also be our final event at Tongham Community centre. It will be a celebration of our history, and also an example of where we’re headed next– a bigger venue, more seats, and more activities!

This June we’ll have an all-new layout for the LAN series you know and love. Rectangular tables are back, giving us more space for additional players, and giving the players more usable desk space- no more having to put your PC on the floor. We’ll have a more structured schedule of events, with better tournaments, card games, and group games to bring everyone together.

But we’ll also have our standard open-play time as well, so there’s plenty of down time to chill out and chat to people.

J20 will be a trial run for our new media setup, with better photography, live-streaming, and highlights of everything that happens- so you’ll get to be part of an expanding community right at the beginning!

Welcome aboard our new staff members, joining the team to bring in these updates:

Andrew “FlinkBK” – Events Manager

FlinkBK brings his experience of both a technical background and running a large internet cafe which ran regular LAN Parties. FlinkBK is LANRaiders chairman. A flight simulator enthusiast & streamer, a great addition to our team.

Mike “Shinotama” – Design Manager

Shinotama brings his vast experience in design & development to LANRaiders. Shinotama’s main role is brand design & web development. An avid PC & VR gamer and technician we’re glad to have him aboard.

Graham “Nethesem” – PR Manager

Computer Repair specialist by day, Fandom specialist by night, and four years of managing thousand-attendee conventions under his belt – Nethesem joins us as PR manager to bring the latest LANRaiders news to your dashboard.